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Writers Express Grade 4 Package
Contains the softcover Student Handbook, supplemental SkillsBook, and SkillsBook Teacher Guide. Please note, the comprehensive Handbook Teacher Guide is available free online at the publisher’s website.
Available as a softcover or hardcover, the Writer’s Express Handbook helps 4th and 5th graders improve their writing skills and overall fluency. One Student Handbook is used in both grades 4 and 5, with unit lessons building from basic to more advanced throughout the year. As appropriate, there are two levels of assignments provided: Beginning (grade 4) and Advanced (grade 5). A Digital Teacher Guide is available at no cost from the publisher’s website. This valuable resource provides a weekly schedule, activity worksheets and handouts, guidelines for writing assessments, and more. It also aligns lessons from the optional Writer’s Express SkillsBooks for Grade 4 and Grade 5. Consumable Writer’s Express SkillsBooks provide additional instruction and practice in grammar, punctuation, and spelling. Although the Grade 4 and 5 SkillsBooks rely on the same Student Handbook, the activities vary, with more advanced exercises in Grade 5. Each SkillsBook has a grade-level Teacher Guide, sold separately. Teacher Guides include the answers only. For your convenience, we offer softcover and hardcover grade-level packages that include the Handbook, SkillsBook, and Teacher Guide: Grade 4 Softcover Package, Grade 4 Hardcover Package, Grade 5 Softcover Package, and Grade 5 Hardcover Package.
Product Format: | Product Bundle |
Grade: | 4 |
Brand: | Rainbow Resource Center |
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