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Veritas Press History Transition Guide Volume 2 Literature Only Package
Exposure to world literature can fuel a love for reading and round out reading comprehension. Your middle and high school students will love engaging with these texts that span early modern writers to WWII literature. This package of literature would be a great addition to any early/modern history program to benefit any reader and lover of history. This package is also helpful if you have inherited a Veritas Transition Guide Volume 2 and you are looking for just the literature components. ~Rebecca
Not quite ready for Omnibus? Or maybe you have an older student who's just a little too old to start the Veritas history cycle. These new Transition Guides are the perfect solution. For a spine they use the Pages of History volumes and the Veritas history cards. Add to that an excellent selection of classic literature and you have a one year classical world history survey course for your middle school student that will provide the perfect preparation for Omnibus or will allow your student to "catch-up" to students who have had the benefit of the five-year Veritas world history series.
Technically a worktext, the Guides actually "feel" more like lesson plans. Volume One has 19 lessons; Volume Two has 13. The lessons each have five sessions and follow a general format of reading and History Card assignments, discussion and comprehension questions, and projects. Both the discussion and the comprehension questions are provided for you along with a complete answer key. There's at least one project in each lesson. Projects include a variety of activities such as worksheets (answers in the back), writing assignments, art projects, or flashcard activities. Some weeks there are additional, optional activities which tend to be things like field trip suggestions, video options, and review worksheets. Although in black and white, the books are full of illustrations - artwork and drawings. Volume Two includes a Chronology and a Final Exam (again, answers in the back). The books are non-reproducible although there will be times when you wish they were. There are just enough activities - worksheets and exams - that will work best if written directly upon that one would have to classify these books as consumable worktexts.
Volume 1 covers Creation through the Reformation and corresponds to Pages of History Volume 1 and the first three sets of History Cards (Old Testament and Ancient Egypt, New Testament Greece and Rome, and Middle Ages Renaissance/Reformation). Volume 2 covers Explorers through the Present and corresponds to Pages of History, Volume 2 and the last two sets of History Cards (Explorers to 1815 and 1815 to Present).