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Spectrum Complete Learning


A practice and review workbook with a difference – videos! Perfect for summer or supplemental use, comprehensive grade level coverage in the "three R's" is presented in eight math chapters and five language arts chapters. Each chapter includes an instructional introduction which includes a skills checklist and definitions, free videos (accessed through QR codes), workbook pages, and an answer key. Workbook pages are colorful and clearly presented. Featuring an instructional voice-over with animated illustrations, video segments are nicely done and approximately two minutes long. 352 pgs, pb, perforated pages.

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First Grade Complete: Semester 1 Student Refill
First Grade Complete: Semester 1 Student Refill
Grade 1
First Grade Complete: Semester 2 Student Refill
First Grade Complete: Semester 2 Student Refill
Grade 1
Second Grade Complete: Semester 1 Student Refill
Second Grade Complete: Semester 1 Student Refill
Grade 2
Second Grade Complete: Semester 2 Student Refill
Second Grade Complete: Semester 2 Student Refill
Grade 2
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