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Latin Cursive Copybook: Hymns & Prayers

Grade 3-5
In Stock
2 Questions, 10 Answersor
Our Price
$16.80 $16.80 $14.50
Rainbow Savings: $2.30

Starts with an introduction on forming letters, followed by the sayings and hymns from Latina Christiana, so students will improve their cursive (on lines with dotted mid-lines) while memorizing Latin too!

Category Description for Memoria Press Copybooks

Copybook is the forgotten but valuable practice of copying Scripture, poems, maxims, and other worthy literature. By doing this, children learn penmanship as well as spelling, vocabulary, punctuation and grammar, and reading comprehension. These copybooks are designed as a place for students to practice their neatest, most accurate writing while memorizing valuable Bible verses (KJV), poetry, or other literary works. Copybook lessons consist of seven steps: reading the verse from the Bible and writing it on the board as the memory verse; using the verse or selection as the foundation for a language lesson in which you study unfamiliar words, punctuation, and grammar; memorizing the verse; carefully copying the verse in the copybook; proofreading and correcting the copied work; illustrating the verse or passage on the space provided on the opposite page; and reviewing the verse along with all previously memorized verses. Although the (approximately) thirty lessons are designed to be completed in the same number of weeks, you may easily adapt the program to cover the material at your own pace. ~ Steph