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Richard Scarry Busy Day Game

Grade PK-2
In Stock
Our Price
$19.99 $19.99 $16.95
Rainbow Savings: $3.04

Grab a backpack and your game piece to enter Richard Scarry's Busytown. Roll the die and move your player to visit the beach, airport, farm, or market. Your goal is to earn an item from each area. You can do this by landing on an “earn an item" space and pick an item to describe while players guess. If a player guesses correctly, they get the item and you choose another item of your choice. You can also collect items by landing on an “act it out" space and testing your charade skills or by landing on a corner space. After you collect all 4 items to put in your backpack, head toward the Busytown entrance to win the Busytown prize and the game! The game includes a sturdy game board, 16 Busytown items, 1 pop-up Busytown entrance, 1 jumbo foam die, 4 backpacks, 4 vehicle pawns and base, and 1 Busytown prize card. For 2-4 players.

Publisher's Description of Richard Scarry Busy Day Game

Players explore the busy world of Richard Scarry as they collect items from around Busytown to fill their backpacks. Recommended for ages 3 years and older