Aligned to California driving standards, this 3 unit elective from Starline Press may be the perfect ticket (to avoid tickets!) for your homeschool teenager. Beginning with a pretest to help students recognize there is more to safe driving than just getting behind the wheel and pushing the accelerator, this set covers what is required to drive in CA, road signs, rules of the road, parking skills, lane usage, adjusting seat/seat belts, importance of assessing traffic and weather conditions, passing techniques, defensive driving techniques, driving emergencies, the dangers of alcohol and emotional driving, vehicle maintenance and much more. While aligned to CA driving requirements, other homeschool families may find the information presented to be beneficial for their "soon-to-be" drivers as a way to prepare for their own state approved driving courses. Fill in the blank and multiple choice questions, unit tests, puzzles and research projects are well designed to reinforce and assess learning. Books contain low resolution graphics and 40-59 pgs, pb. Available only in complete sets with answer/test keys. ~ Deanne