If you've ever wondered whether anything you do will make a difference, read this book. Dr. Caroline Leaf has written a book that can help you live a healthier and happier life. Based on her work with brain-damaged clients, it reveals a Biblically-based system of focusing and renewing your thoughts that can help you detox and retrain your brain. Whether your problems are physical or psychological, her 5-step program will show you how to literally rewire your brain and align itself with your mind. She teaches us about neuroplasticity - the ability of the mind to change your brain. Your brain literally can be transformed (the renewing of your mind) in about 63 days. A dedicated scientist and Christ-follower, Dr. Leaf merges neurological scientific discovery seamlessly with the Word and presents fascinating and life-changing evidence that we can use to re-orient and correct our brains. Here are a just a few quotes from that book:
- The process of thinking and choosing is the most powerful thing in the universe after God, and it is a phenomenal gift from God to be treasured and used properly.
- The law of entanglement in quantum physics states that relationship is the defining characteristic of everything in space and time. Everything and everyone is linked, and we all affect each other.
- You are not a victim of your biology; you can control your reactions to events and circumstances.
- To detox your thought life, you need to remember it's your thinking that will actually change your brain.
- God was so serious about us capturing our thoughts and renewing our minds that he gave us science as encouragement.
- When you understand the power of your thought life, [.], you truly begin to get a glimpse of how important it is to take responsibility for what you are thinking.
There is a lot of amazing material here, both scientifically and experientially. Written for the lay person, she explains the latest discoveries about the brain in an understandable and interesting way. The first section of the book delves into the eight "keys" on which her program is based. She explains how the brain works, how your mind can control matter, how your choices impact your brain, how you can "take thoughts captive", why "milkshake-multitasking" is not good for you, why your mind needs directed rest, why you are not a victim of genetics and your environment, and more. The rest of the book explains the daily 5-step detox process in detail and helps you get started. Summaries of key points at the end of each chapter are helpful both for reinforcement and later reference.
If you are feeling burdened by your past, uncertain about yourself, fearful about the future, or in an emotionally hopeless situation, this book could change your life.