Practice problem solving skills using modeling, finding patterns, and reasoning. For use in the classroom or at home, these books can help make sense of using models to solve math problems. Aligned to state and common core standards, each level of this series is intended as a resource to helps with some of the more complicated or confusing strategies that are used in math today.
Each book is divided into topical units and the beginning of each lists the standards being met. You could work through the book in the order the pages are presented, but also might take a more topical approach to add practice to complement your curriculum. The front of the book also offers a suggested teaching path, listing the order in which to use the units and page numbers. The format is the same for each lesson within the units - a page of math models, example, practice problems, then real world problem. 'Math Models' pages offer possible strategies for solving a problem - draw a picture, draw a diagram, use counters, numberline, or write a number sentence. "Think" is an opportunity for students to explain their thinking. "Example" shows students how to mark an answer and show their work. 'Practice Problems' are an opportunity for students to practice when they just learned. 'Real-world Problem' takes students step-by-step through the problem-solving process for a written-out word problem. They will read the problem, answer thinking questions, then solve the problem using one of the strategies presented earlier. Word problems are one of the biggest challenges for students and this series offers some usable solutions. Each book is over 220 pages and is reproducible for family or classroom use. ~ Donna