Comprehensive, concise, conceptual and captivating (thanks to the use of video), this middle school grammar course utilizes Schoolhouse Rock grammar songs and combines them with practice and application exercises. Covering all the basics - parts of speech, types of sentences, types of paragraphs, clauses, and phrases, as well as related topics such as person, verb tense, appositives, and voice this course is user-friendly, providing just the right amount of teacher support, an effective use of student worksheets, and memorable video that delivers engaging audio-visual reinforcement. The Instructor's Manual is the coordinating heart of the program with each of the 36 lessons following the same pattern. Starting with a grammatical fact definition (what is a pronoun?), there are usually several paragraphs of teaching instruction covering various aspects of grammatical usage followed by a quick "In A Nutshell" section that summarizes the teaching. Reinforcement activities for each lesson include a Schoolhouse Rock video, brief instructions for the two corresponding Workbook pages (answers included in the IM), and several games or activities. For instance, in the first lesson on Pronouns, there are directions for Pronoun Concentration and A Penny for a Pronoun. There's a fair amount of variety in the consumable Student Workbook activity sheets but not a huge amount of "busy work"; activities seem purposeful and helpful. Workbook is reproducible for family use. Yes, you might have heard of Schoolhouse Rock, a Disney production delivering animation and songs that correspond to the different grammatical concepts and are integrated into the Grammar Ace lessons. The Grammar Ace package includes all three Instructor's Manual, Student Workbook and the Schoolhouse Rock DVD. December 2023 update: Please note that the DVD is now discontinued and we will only have inventory while it lasts. However, you can typically find most of the Schoolhouse Rock videos on YouTube. You can either purchase a license to download the videos for a small fee, or locate free versions to watch by searching for a specific song. ~ Janice