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Swamp Robber (Sugar Creek Gang) Book 1

Grade 3-6
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$5.99 $5.99 $5.50
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Publisher's Description of Swamp Robber (Sugar Creek Gang) Book 1

In this book, the Sugar Creek Gang discovers a "disguise" hidden in a old tree. Does it belong to the bank robber hiding in the swamp? A mysterious map hidden near the tree proves to be even more exciting than the disguise. Before the adventure ends, the gang encounters the robber, helps Bill Collins welcome a new baby sister, and saves the victim of a black widow spider bite. Join the gang as they learn the lesson of sowing and reaping.

Category Description for Sugar Creek Gang Series

Meet the Sugar Creek Gang: Bill, Poetry, Dragonfly, Little Jim, Circus, and Big Jim. These six courageous boys solve mysteries, embark on exciting adventures, and strive to live out their Christian faith along the way. This wholesome series has entertained and inspired readers since the 1940's. These are the original stories, with minor updates to appeal to a modern audience. By Paul Hutchens. Approx. 128 pgs, pb.