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Renaissance, Reformation, Age of Exploration (1400-1600)

Grade 5-12
Charlotte Mason
High Teacher Involvement
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This study addresses the era of “newness” when classical learning is being pursued, scientific discovery is happening, new art forms are emerging, architecture is developing, and political and religious ideas are coming forth. Through these 49 lessons students will be introduced to thinkers and innovators, religious leaders, and institutional rule breakers. With so many new historical people on the scene your students may spend more time researching individuals. The ThinkWrite activities are scattered throughout the guide providing opportunities for students to put into words what they are learning. Utilize the book list in the back for students who have a greater interest in individuals and events for further reading. 144 pgs, spiral. ~Rebecca

Publisher's Description of Renaissance, Reformation, Age of Exploration (1400-1600)

  • Your children must understand the deep issues of this time period! It was such a crossroad! They will see two different responses develop to the spiritual emptiness of the late Middle Ages--an emptiness quite like that of our own age, so we can learn much.
  • It was good for the people to seek truth, but where did they turn? Themselves? God?
  • How did the 'searchings' of the great artists, scientists, mathematicians, architects, businessmen, writers, philosophers, rulers, and explorers affect their awesome achievements?
  • This truth quest, and the decisions made in response, determined the future of many nations--those that were on their way to cataclysm and those headed for greater freedom.
  • The issues are not Catholic vs. Protestant, as TruthQuest History explains, so people of both faiths can feel safe using this guide.

Category Description for Truthquest History

On occasion you might hear someone define history as the struggle between the haves and the have-nots. As Christians living in a secular society, it is often easy to imbibe false ideas. This history curriculum won't let you have that kind of false idea for long. Instead, you will come to understand the true (i.e. Biblical) definition of history. For example, in your study of Ancient Rome, you will see how the beliefs which nations/individuals hold about God and man can affect the course of history, culture, government etc. This history curriculum is not dependant on specific books since the goal is not to guide students through books, but to guide them through history. Many, many books are recommended since the guide provides very little text (just basic summaries); however, the beauty is that students can pick whichever ones appeal to them or are readily available. No more searching for those impossible to find required readers! As you work your way through the books, you will be challenged to think about some things, to research others, and complete ThinkWrite sections at the back of the book. These sections are designed for students in grades 5-12. Responses to the ThinkWrite sections can be done in a variety of ways including skits, diaries, news reports, models, projects, drawings, and essays.

A new study in this series combines Creation and the Old Testament with the study of Ancients and Egypt. This book follows the same format as the other studies in this series allowing you to choose the reading and resources. The Bible is the ultimate authority on history, but the author suggests some other spines that may be referenced throughout the study - Child's Story Bibleby Catherine Vos, Genesis: A commentary for Childrenby Nancy Ganz, Story of the Ancient World by C. Miller & H.A. Guerber, Book of the Ancient Worldby Dorothy Mills, Streams of Civilization Vol. 1, Genesis: Finding Our Roots by Ruth Beechick, and Greenleaf Guide to the Old Testament. These books aren't required, but are helpful resources if you want to read more on the topics. May your study of history become a study of His Story. ~ Genevieve / Donna