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Getty-Dubay Italic Handwriting Series Book G Fourth Edition

Grade 6
Low Teacher Involvement
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$13.75 $13.75 $10.95
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Book G introduces calligraphy toward the end.
Publisher's Description of Getty-Dubay Italic Handwriting Series Book G Fourth Edition

The final book in the series contains practice paragraphs acquainting the student with a brief history of the origins of our letters, from cave paintings to copperplate. Rich in meaningful instruction. Last few pages are reserved for experimentation with edged pens. Detailed illustrations. Letter height 9, 5, & 4 mm.

New 4th Edition now available!

Dimensions: 8 1/2 x 11, 64 pages

Category Description for Getty-Dubay Italic Handwriting

Mom's horrible handwriting inspired us to use an italic handwriting program with our kids. It's difficult not to produce at least legible writing in Italics. Another plus is that manuscript flows into cursive - letters don't completely change, they just join. Not only does this seem sensible to us, but the many compliments the children have received on their handwriting have further encouraged us in this approach. (Children begin moving into cursive writing in Level C.) The last level gets into calligraphy toward the end. From there, follow up with a good calligraphy book for Jr. High/High School and continue handwriting as an art form! Instruction Manual applies to all levels.