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Ancient Mesopotamia (prev Cult Atlas 1st Civs

Grade 5-8
In Stock
Our Price
$35.00 $35.00 $26.96
Rainbow Savings: $8.04

These packs were compiled by Diana Waring for use with her Ancient Civilizations and the Bible Study Guide. Although it would be wonderful to have access to all the books referenced in the guide, Diana realizes that this isn't always practical and has thus provided three different packs. The Economy Pack provides just the essentials. The Basic Pack contains the essentials and some others that are also very useful. The largest pack, the Deluxe Pack, holds all the essentials plus extras that are also nice to have for your study. In case you wish to upgrade, Add-On packs are also available.

Sometimes books used in the packs below go out of print. We will make every effort to have the stock we need, however, if a book becomes unavailable, we'll substitute with another book of the author's (Diana Waring) choosing. Please note that because of this, not all books are directly referenced in the study guide.