Your company account is blocked and you cannot place orders. If you have questions, please contact your company administrator.

What if I received the wrong item, a damaged item or I am missing an item from my order?

If you are missing an item from your order, please check your packing slip again to ensure that it is not listed as a backorder. If you see no reason why the item should be missing, please contact customer service immediately. If you believe you received an incorrect item, please contact customer service immediately. If you receive a damaged item, and you did not order a Bargain Item, please contact customer service immediately. We will work to correct missing, damaged or wrong items as quickly as possible. Please report wrong, damaged or missing items within 90 days of the shipping date. After 90 days, we will consider orders to be received in full. If you have a large order (over 5 boxes) the order was likely packed with a box manifest document. Please check the box manifest attached to the first box, which will detail the content of each box in the order. If an item is still not located, please contact customer service immediately. There is a 14 day window, from the date of delivery, to file claims for missing items on orders packed with a box manifest.

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