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How do you decide which products to carry?

Our family and team of homeschooling experts attend trade shows, go through hundreds of supplier catalogs, and review and compare thousands of sample items each year. We strive to carry only what we believe is worthwhile to our market. We acknowledge that preferences, learning styles, and philosophies vary widely among homeschoolers, so we offer a variety to suit everyone's needs. Because what one person finds useful may seem totally irrelevant to the next, we try very hard through our catalog and website to provide accurate information on each product so our customers can make educated decisions and purchase only what works for them.

We are always adding new products and there may be times where several products we offer seem very similar. This is often because we have found something better than the original product we started with, and there will be some overlap while we phase the other item out, or because both products are continually requested by customers.

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