Mystery of History Volume 2 Text with Print Companion

Grade 4-8
Teaching Method
Teacher-centered curriculum commonly used in classrooms that may include a text, teacher manual, tests, etc.
Charlotte Mason
A methodology based on the work of a 19th century educator who maintained that children learn best from literature (Living Books), not textbooks.
A methodology based on the Latin Trivium (three stages of learning), including the grammar stage (memorization and facts), logic stage (critical thinking), and rhetoric stage (developing/defending ideas).
Unit Study
A thematic or topical approach centered around one topic that integrates multiple subject areas.
Montessori (Discovery)
A methodology based on the work of a 20th century educator that emphasizes student and sensory-driven discovery learning and real-life applications.
Other methodologies
Religious Content
Contains content contrary to common Christian beliefs (i.e. evolution).
Avoids religious or theoretical topics or presents multiple viewpoints without preference.
Faith-based or including instructional religious content.
Learning Modality
Learns through listening, talking out loud or reading out loud.
Learns through seeing, prefers written instructions and visual materials.
Kinesthetic/Tactile (Hands-On)
Learns through moving, doing and touching.
Curriculum that employ a variety of activities/components.
Curriculum progresses through well-defined learning objectives. Emphasizes mastery before moving to the next topic.
Topics and concepts are repeated from level to level, adding more depth at each pass and connecting with review.
Focus is on the “why,” often with a unifying concept as well as specific skills; coverage may be broader.
Teacher Involvement
Low Teacher Involvement
Student-led materials; parent acts as a facilitator.
Medium Teacher Involvement
A mix of teacher-led time and independent student work.
High Teacher Involvement
Teacher-led lessons; may utilize discussions, hands-on activities and working together.
Additional Materials Required
No other materials needed
Everything you need is included.
Other Materials Required
There are additional required resources that are a separate purchase.
Other Materials Optional
There are additional resources mentioned or recommended but are not absolutely necessary.
Designed to be written in; not reusable.
Not designed to be written in; reusable.
Our Price
$149.90 $149.90 $94.50
Rainbow Savings: $55.40
Package Contents
Mystery of History Volume 2 Text with Print Companion
Mystery of History Volume 2 Text with Print Companion
Grade 4-8
Our Price
$149.90 $149.90 $94.50
Rainbow Savings: $55.40

While the textbook includes a free download of the Companion material, it can be a lot to print. This set has the hardcover text plus the printed consumable Companion material for your student. ~Sara

Category Description for Mystery Of History

This conversationally written, chronological, 4-year-cycle program is specifically designed so that multiple ages can simultaneously study God's sovereignty throughout history, from Creation to the 21st century. History is His story, after all. As a Christ-centered study written by a home school mom, each reader volume in the series chronicles key individuals and events that demonstrate the hand of divine providence through the highs and lows of human history. Tough elements are not ignored, and key church history is included. Trace the hand of God through historical events. Volume 1 focuses on Ancient History (ending with the life and resurrection of Jesus); Volume 2 Middle Ages; Volume 3 Renaissance, Reformation & Growth of Nations; and Volume 4 studies Revolutions to Rising Times (1708 - 2010). Each volume provides from 28 to 36 weekly lessons. Reading level will advance in difficulty as learners work through the 4-volume cycle (See individual descriptions for details). This program adapts easily to a classical, Charlotte Mason, or more traditional approach.

The essential hub of the course is the Reader Text, which includes a unique-user PDF download code of the volume-specific Companion Guide. This course achieves a nice balance of structure, routine, and consistent learning versus variety, choice, and independent customization. The 3 weekly required lessons found in the Reader are framed among pleasant layout and appealing full-color photographs. Read the narratives aloud or have older students read independently. The remaining necessary components come from the Companion Guide: teaching information and directions, the scope and sequence, the pretest, quarterly worksheets, tests and quizzes, mapwork, timeline (called the Wall of Fame), and memory cards (key details of each key historical element learned that week). For mapwork assistance, the publishers highly recommend the customizable, digital WonderMaps (item 082644) or these 2 book-based atlases: The Student Bible Atlas (item 00167 particularly for Volume 1) or Rand McNally's Historical Atlas of the World (item 00733). Thus far, the amount of work I've described might suffice for students, particularly in grades 1-6. But then you'd miss out on all the included items which allow you to personalize to your specific goals, family situation, students—and you!

As a convenience, printed Companion Guides are available on our website as separate purchases for Volumes 1-3. A digital version is available for Volume 4. Whether using the digital or printed, the additional suggestions and optional resources provide a wealth of options for different ages. The 500+ pages specifically tailored to each volume include the required course items, as well as hands-on activities for younger, middle, and older students (with any needed instructions or templates and photos); field trip suggestions; semester tests; research and writing exercises; a detailed supplementary Book and Resource list (general books, Bible, read-alouds, references, and creation science museums/zoos); and Lesson Resources (specific books, films, and Bible chapters that correlate to lessons in the Student Reader).

Optional resources are now available as digital downloads. These include Challenge Cards, Notebooking Pages, Folderbooks, Super Supplemental Set, and Cookbook. The Challenge Cards contain over 300 question-and-answer cards and a dozen game ideas. Coloring Pages include 36 collage-style coloring pages. Notebooking Pages include ruled & unruled pages for hand-written narration, information pages, and fillable PDF pages for computer use. Folderbooks (a.k.a. lapbook) can be downloaded as well. Providing your own manilla folder, and using the included items, students create folders representing content from the lessons. The Super Supplemental Set includes all 4 items as downloads in one purchase. The Volume 2 downloadable Cookbook includes historical recipes from the Early Church and the Middle Ages. Audio books of each Volume are available for purchase at the author's web site. Make the road to understanding His Story throughout time a delight with this history series! ~ Ruth

Linda Hobar, the author of this world history series, states in this book, "I believe history is the story of God revealing Himself to mankind and that He did it most perfectly through the person of Jesus Christ... the "mystery" is the gospel of Jesus Christ." What a refreshing and different view from most world history curriculums! Those looking for a world history program that aligns the stories of mankind with the living story of God will truly appreciate this Bible-centered approach to world history. Picking up where Volume 1 leaves off, this volume begins with the Pentecost and the first followers of Jesus (including Paul) around 29 A.D and continues through the early church and into the Middle Ages, covering the years through about 1456 A.D. The format of this book is very similar to that of the first volume; however, there are some small differences. Firstly, there are fewer lessons (84 as opposed to 108), but these lessons are slightly longer, offering more information on a given topic. Lessons generally take the form of real-life biographies, sharing the stories of men and women who changed the world while simultaneously showing the relationship between God and the world during that period. The fascinating journey across the continents continues as students discover who lived when and the way God worked His plan throughout this period of history.

Purchase of the hardcover Student Text includes a digital access code to download the Companion Guide. This guide includes PDF files of all of the reproducible materials including pre-tests, quizzes, exercises, worksheets, activity instructions, tests, outline maps, resource lists, appendix pages and more. A printed Companion Guide is also available to purchase for those preferring a physical copy. Information to access the digital component is included on a separate card included in the textbook. Shrink wrapped.

The Audio CD Set allows you to listen to author Linda Lacour Hobar read the complete and unabridged text. Students can read along with the author as she narrates the stories or just sit back and listen. Please note the CDs contain the story lessons only and do not include pretests, activities, quizzes, and so forth. At some points in the narration, music has been added behind the author's voice, but non-musical versions are also available for download on the publisher's website. 12 CDs, running time 13 hours, 58 minutes. ~ Steph

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