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Math Mammoth Grade 3 (Color Version)

What’s covered in this level: 
  • Multiplication and division (whole numbers) includes understanding the relationship between multiplication and division. 
  • Fractions, beginning with unit fractions, along with visual fraction models, and on a number line. 
  • Area and perimeter and relating area to multiplication and to addition. 
  • Fluency in addition and subtraction within 1,000, both mentally and in columns (with regrouping). 
  • Additional topics studied include time, money, measurements, bar graphs and pictographs.
Each grade level requires two Student Worktexts-one per semester-which includes the instruction and math problems in one, and the Answer Key containing answers to the Worktexts and Tests. The Test/Cumulative Review Book is recommended. Grade Level Packages consist of four components: Student Worktexts A & B, the Tests/Cumulative Reviews Book, and the Answer Key.