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Exploring Creation with Mathematics Level 4-5 Add On Kit

Grade 5
In Stock
Our Price
$11.12 $11.12 $10.50
Rainbow Savings: $0.62
Package Contents
Exploring Creation with Mathematics Level 4-5 Add On Kit
Exploring Creation with Mathematics Level 4-5 Add On Kit
Grade 5
Our Price
$11.12 $11.12 $10.50
Rainbow Savings: $0.62

Add-On Activity Kits are for families who purchased the previous level kit and only need supplies for the next level.

Building on a student’s understanding of mathematics, Level 5 reviews whole numbers and place value before expanding into order of operations, expanded form and scientific notation. Subsequent chapters cover multiplication and division, factors, multiples, estimating, fractions/decimals (addition/subtraction and multiplication/division), and percents. The course concludes with geometry, graphing, and metric and customary measurement conversion. Manipulatives and games remain integral to support multisensory learning.