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It's My State! Missouri

Grade 3-5
In Stock
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$18.64 $18.64 $14.50
Rainbow Savings: $4.14

Surveys the history, geography, government, and economy of Missouri, as well as the diverse ways of the life of its people. 80 pgs, pb. ~Amber

Publisher's Description of It's My State! Missouri
This book explores the geography, climate, history, people, government, and economy of Missouri. All books in the It's My State! ® series are the definitive research tool for readers looking to know the ins and outs of a specific state, including comprehensive coverage of its history, people, culture, geography, economy and government.
Category Description for It's My State! Series

The It's My State series is a go to for readers looking to know the ins and outs of a specific state. A nice softcover 9" x 5 ¾" size with colorful pictures that make the region come to life. This is a great resource for research projects and independent reading. Each book has a chapter for the following topics:

  • Snapshot of the state
  • Geography of the state
  • The History of the state
  • Who lives in the state
  • At Work in the state
  • Government of the state
  • State map and map skills
  • Extra information
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