Looking for a streamlined curriculum with targeted goals spanning from
beginning math (starting with the concepts of addition) to high school Algebra
and Geometry? This curriculum’s title “fast” highlights this 7-volume 2nd
edition goal: to develop students who can quickly produce automatic, confident
responses to math problems. Topically arranged, this mastery-based program
presents math concepts in a sequential manner. Each of these un-graded levels
teaches multiple concepts and can be used by multiple ages as a supplement or
stand-alone for those students who need to shore up math skills. The series can
also help struggling learners who may be behind in levels. Math “tricks” are
taught to help students grasp skills quickly. No matter your student’s grade,
the author recommends starting at Level 1. Free placement tests, however, are
available in PDF. Level 1 contains instruction pages for using the overall
program with different aged learners. As a more self-directed program, no
teacher guide is available; answers and detailed solutions (which vary based on
level) are included in the back of each book.
Each softcover book (ranging from 148-348 pgs, pb.) includes detailed
lessons written to the student in a conversational—and sometimes humorous—style
at a 3rd-4th grade reading level. Each consumable level provides worksheets
within the text. Additional worksheets are available at the publisher’s website
as free downloads. At the lower levels, topics are introduced using a few
different methods including tips and shortcuts, using U.S. coins as
manipulatives. Concepts are taught, a practice worksheet follows, and then
there is a timed test. Students practice concepts with worksheets (either in
convenient preprinted form in Level 1 or PDF printables) until they are
confident in the concept, able to complete the test and then move on to the
next lesson. At higher levels, students are taught the concept and complete a
worksheet, with the possibility of repeated practice. Each level includes
chapter tests and a final review test and access to printing extra PDF
worksheets. The first 4 volumes cover pre-high school skills. Volume 1 overviews
math facts. Purchase this text separately (and download extra PDF worksheets
free) or purchase with the preprinted worksheets and answer key (LMF1WS). Volume 2
teaches fractions and percentages; Volume
3 overviews prealgebra skills; and Volume 4 covers basic Geometry.
The last 3 volumes overview high school math. Volume 5 equates to
Algebra 1; Volume 6 to Algebra 2; and Volume 7 completes the
program with Geometry.
A few atypical manipulatives are needed. These are available
separately or packaged with the appropriate volume. For Volume 1, you may want
a handful of coins for your hands-on learners. The program utilizes the 8.5”x11”
Big, Big Bookmark printed with foundational math skill tips and serves
as a reference guide for all levels. Level 4 (Beginning Geometry) requires a
manipulative kit that can be purchased separately. The Geometry Kit
(contained in a zippered, 3-hole punched vinyl zippered pouch) is a simple set that
includes 15 1-inch foam squares; a 1-inch plastic ball; protractor and two
kinesthetic cards which help teach Pi; a square foot paper; a formula card; a
square; rectangle; and one each of an equilateral, right triangle, and
isosceles triangle cards with helpful reminders printed on one side. Level 7
requires “smart cards” (four 3”x 6 ½” postulate cards), and larger format smart
cards which succinctly include all postulates and theorems for angles,
triangles, quadrilaterals, polygons, and circles.
For classroom or small-group teachers, digital
options of the extra worksheets are available. These are not available for
homeschool use, since extra worksheets are available free with book purchase. These
Digital Classroom Licenses allow printing licenses for Levels
Select between licenses for 1, 5, or 10 students. Purchase multiple licenses to
equal the number of students in your classroom. Alongside the digital license,
you’ll need the Learn Math Fast Teacher’s Pack (which includes the first
4 volumes; the Big, Big Bookmark; and the Basic Geometry Kit). ~ Ruth