Exploring Creation with Health and Nutrition Student Text (2nd Edition)

Grade 9-12
Teaching Method
Teacher-centered curriculum commonly used in classrooms that may include a text, teacher manual, tests, etc.
Charlotte Mason
A methodology based on the work of a 19th century educator who maintained that children learn best from literature (Living Books), not textbooks.
A methodology based on the Latin Trivium (three stages of learning), including the grammar stage (memorization and facts), logic stage (critical thinking), and rhetoric stage (developing/defending ideas).
Unit Study
A thematic or topical approach centered around one topic that integrates multiple subject areas.
Montessori (Discovery)
A methodology based on the work of a 20th century educator that emphasizes student and sensory-driven discovery learning and real-life applications.
Other methodologies
Religious Content
Contains content contrary to common Christian beliefs (i.e. evolution).
Avoids religious or theoretical topics or presents multiple viewpoints without preference.
Faith-based or including instructional religious content.
Learning Modality
Learns through listening, talking out loud or reading out loud.
Learns through seeing, prefers written instructions and visual materials.
Kinesthetic/Tactile (Hands-On)
Learns through moving, doing and touching.
Curriculum that employ a variety of activities/components.
Curriculum progresses through well-defined learning objectives. Emphasizes mastery before moving to the next topic.
Topics and concepts are repeated from level to level, adding more depth at each pass and connecting with review.
Focus is on the “why,” often with a unifying concept as well as specific skills; coverage may be broader.
Teacher Involvement
Low Teacher Involvement
Student-led materials; parent acts as a facilitator.
Medium Teacher Involvement
A mix of teacher-led time and independent student work.
High Teacher Involvement
Teacher-led lessons; may utilize discussions, hands-on activities and working together.
Additional Materials Required
No other materials needed
Everything you need is included.
Other Materials Required
There are additional required resources that are a separate purchase.
Other Materials Optional
There are additional resources mentioned or recommended but are not absolutely necessary.
Designed to be written in; not reusable.
Not designed to be written in; reusable.
Our Price
$62.00 $62.00 $46.50
Rainbow Savings: $15.50
Recently updated and now in softcover, this solidly Christian, academically strong curriculum offers high schoolers a complete health and nutrition credit from a Biblical worldview. Course covers a wide range of topics related to health and nutrition including anatomy and common health related concerns, conditions, mental and emotional stability, genetics, macro and micro- nutrients, exercise, and diet. Skills essential for emotional health are covered including understanding your temperament, decision making skills, boundaries, contentment, conflict resolution and communication skills, and more. There is also an introduction to various mental health issues including signs of and available treatments for depression, anxiety, Autism Spectrum, Dementia, and others. Reproductive anatomy and physiology are covered including accurate illustrations and descriptions. Marriage, sexuality, pregnancy, and sexually transmitted diseases are discerningly explained, along with alcohol and drug abuse, pornography, and other topics necessary for our young people to understand for successful navigation in adulthood. This is handled gently and respectfully, but parents should evaluate their young adults emotional and spiritual maturity prior to starting the lessons. Students are also introduced to an array of health-related careers. Course requires the textbook, student notebook, Internet access and basic exercise equipment (fitness ball, athletic shoes, cushioned floor). The softcover Textbook contains the textual reading, "Think About this" sections with quote or scripture, referenced projects to complete, and the On Your Own Questions (and answers).
Publisher's Description of Exploring Creation with Health and Nutrition Student Text (2nd Edition)

Please note that both the Student Textbook and Notebook are required to complete the course.This high school health and nutrition curriculum explores the physical, social, mental, and spiritual concepts that are needed for a healthy lifestyle. With detailed illustrations and photos, clear explanations, and enhanced readability, Exploring Creation with Health and Nutrition, 2nd edition covers what maturing students need to know to help them make the best choices they can for themselves as they become young adults. With new and updated content, the 2nd edition continues to illuminate for students that health is about stewardship: managing what you have as well as you can. This course is for high school credit (1 or 2 semesters tailored to your needs).

Category Description for Comprehensive Science Programs

Items listed in this section tend to be complete science programs with a teacher and student component, requiring few supplements besides science supplies.

Category Description for Apologia Science

Apologia Science courses are written from a Biblical worldview with the homeschool in mind. At the elementary level, courses follow a Charlotte Mason-inspired methodology, with lessons organized around narration, notebooking exercises and hands-on activities or projects. Children at different ages can use these together, learning at their own level. Each course is designed to be teacher-student interactive, so teacher involvement is fairly high at this level. At the junior high and high school levels, science courses are more traditional in nature, with the textbook written to the student. Teacher involvement time at this level is much less than at the elementary level. Textbooks contain student reading, lab instructions, "On Your Own" questions and Study Guide questions. A Solutions Manual provides the answers to these and the test questions. Lab kits are available separately for both the elementary and upper-level science courses which include most of the harder to find items you will need.

Category Description for Apologia Junior / Senior High Science

Written specifically for use in a homeschool environment, these biblically-centered courses take a lot of pressure off the parent teaching the course. The main component of each course is the textbook. Please note that most textbooks have switched from hardcover to softcover format. The student text includes all the student reading, instructions for labs, "On Your Own" exercises, and fifteen to twenty "Study Guide" questions at the end of each chapter. Unlike many upper-level science texts, we have found these to be extremely readable! The text has a conversational tone, and concepts are explained in an easy-to-understand way. Plenty of helpful diagrams and pictures are included which add interest and break up the text. Answers to the "On Your Own" exercises are also included with discussion at the end of each chapter. The labs are designed to be done easily, and most require only household items to complete; unlike high school courses, like Bob Jones which require investing in some lab equipment and chemicals to complete the labs. Where a microscope or dissecting materials are required, a reasonably-priced complete kit of materials is available, for ease in collecting the items.

The Solution Manual contains test questions for each chapter, answers to the test questions and solutions to the "Study Guide" questions. For some courses, a separate Perforated Tests booklet is available; please note that this is only necessary if you want an extra copy of the test questions.

TheStudent Notebooks are a user-friendly companion that provides space for answering the On Your Own and Study Guide questions as well as for developing Lab Reports. Study helps include graphic organizers and a Module Summary for each module (fill-in-the-blank). Digging Deeper sections provide opportunity for practical applications and writing activities. For the teacher there are grading rubrics for lab reports and suggested answers for some of the graphic organizers. The History of Science module includes a nicely done timeline. Grading rubrics for the lab reports are provided in the Appendix.

MP3 Audio CDs are also available for most courses. The audio files are in MP3 format, and will require an MP3-compatible CD player to use (these can also be run on most computers). Tests, study guides, and answers are not included - this is simply an audio version of the text.

Apologia also offers Video Instruction for Biology, Chemistry, Marine Biology and Advanced Biology. These have transitioned to USB flash drive format. Sherri Seligson, author and scientist, is your host and takes you to interesting locations, incorporating animated diagrams (over 20 hours of instruction) to help students better understand the concepts being taught. The content is more of a summary of the textual information found in each section of the modules than a narration of the text. Students will either see Sherri Seligson on location or in a lab during the speaking portions or they will see animated illustrations and examples. Sherri takes students through each lab and talks about what needs to be done and the results of the experiments.

System requirements for USB drives: USB port (PC or Mac), media player capable of playing mp4 files, and an internet browser. DVD requirements: DVD drive on your computer (PC or MAC) capable of playing mp4 files; these are not compatible with a DVD player.

We now offer SuperSets and Advantage Sets which include multiple items. Advantage Sets include the text, solutions manual (with a copy of the test), notebooking journal, and the MP3 Audiobook CD. SuperSets include everything in the Advantage Set (text, solutions manual with tests, otebooking journal and MP3 CD) plus the Video Instruction USB Flash Drive.

Looking for a solidly Christian and academically complete health and nutrition course for your high schooler? You may have just found it! Course covers a wide range of topics related to health and nutrition including anatomy and common health related concerns, conditions, mental and emotional stability, genetics, macro and micro nutrients, exercise and diet. Skills essential for emotional health are covered including understanding your temperament, decision making skills, boundaries, contentment, conflict resolution, communication skills, and more. There is also an introduction to various mental health issues including signs of and available treatments for depression, anxiety, Autism Spectrum, Dementia and others. Reproductive anatomy and physiology are covered including accurate illustrations and descriptions. Marriage, sexuality, pregnancy and sexually transmitted diseases are discerningly explained, along with alcohol and drug abuse, pornography and other topics necessary for our young people to understand for successful navigation in adulthood. This is handled gently, and respectfully, but parents should evaluate their young adults emotional and spiritual maturity prior to lessons. Students are also introduced to an array of health-related careers. Course requires the textbook, student notebook, Internet access and basic exercise equipment (fitness ball, athletic shoes, cushioned floor).

The textbook provides an introduction for the student, 15 modules, answers to On Your Own Questions and the index. Textual information is explained well and discretely (when necessary), graphics and pages are colorful and attractive. Scattered throughout are On Your Own questions, Think About This exercises and referenced projects to complete. Projects are only referenced in the text; complete instructions are found in the student notebook. At present, the textbook is not available separately. 441 pgs, hc.

The student notebook provides introductory material, grading tips and rubric, and a 34-week schedule (3 days/week) for the parent/student. Student note taking pages, On Your Own questions and space for answers, instructions and writing space for projects, study guide questions, and module tests are all included in the student notebook. Course contains over 50 projects and do not require a lab kit. Projects are primarily research or personal assessment based. There is no lab credit with this course. Spiral Bound. 366 pgs, pb.

With purchase of the course, you receive a link and password to the Book Extras site. Access to this site provides test and study guide solutions. Also included are links for each module that take students to online resources to go deeper. These may include articles, YouTube videos or websites dedicated to a specific topic. For example the CDCs vaccination website and the counter National Vaccine Information Center are included. Apologia recommends the course be taken concurrently with their 9th grade Biology. Parents should discern their young persons ability and maturity. Like other Apologia upper level science courses, this is designed to be independently completed. Parents may wish to oversee online activity. This one-year course will meet your transcript needs for a nutrition credit and provide the skills for a successful transition to adulthood. ~ Deanne

Recently updated and now in softcover, this solidly Christian, academically strong curriculum offers high schoolers a complete health and nutrition credit from a Biblical worldview. Course covers a wide range of topics related to health and nutrition including anatomy and common health related concerns, conditions, mental and emotional stability, genetics, macro and micro- nutrients, exercise, and diet. Skills essential for emotional health are covered including understanding your temperament, decision making skills, boundaries, contentment, conflict resolution and communication skills, and more. There is also an introduction to various mental health issues including signs of and available treatments for depression, anxiety, Autism Spectrum, Dementia, and others. Reproductive anatomy and physiology are covered including accurate illustrations and descriptions. Marriage, sexuality, pregnancy, and sexually transmitted diseases are discerningly explained, along with alcohol and drug abuse, pornography, and other topics necessary for our young people to understand for successful navigation in adulthood. This is handled gently and respectfully, but parents should evaluate their young adults emotional and spiritual maturity prior to starting the lessons. Students are also introduced to an array of health-related careers. Course requires the textbook, student notebook, Internet access and basic exercise equipment (fitness ball, athletic shoes, cushioned floor).

The softcover Textbook contains the textual reading, "Think About this" sections with quote or scripture, referenced projects to complete, and the On Your Own Questions (and answers). The spiral-bound Notebook provides grading rubrics and recording charts, the suggested daily schedule, student note pages and space to answer the On Your Own questions, detailed instructions for the projects, and chapter study guides. Projects do not require a lab kit, and according to the publisher, this will not meet a high school science lab credit. Projects are primarily research or personal assessment based. Components are available separately or conveniently as a set. Each student will need his/her own Notebook.

If you are familiar with the first edition course, the table of contents and coverage remains the same, however, numerous changes were made. Numerous quotes and "Think about this" sections have been revised or removed. Project 7.3 was removed. Information has been expanded for some topics, including mental illness, emotional health, and gender identity. Unlike other Apologia courses, the Student Notebook is required for this course. Solutions are available online with course purchase. With purchase of the course, you receive a link and password to the Book Extras site. Access to this site provides test and study guide solutions. Also included are links for each module that take students to online resources to go deeper. These may include articles, YouTube videos or websites dedicated to a specific topic. Apologia recommends the course be taken concurrently with their 9th grade Biology. Parents should discern their young persons ability and maturity. Like other Apologia upper-level science courses, this is designed to be independently completed. Parents may wish to oversee online activity. This one-year course will meet your transcript needs for a nutrition credit and provide many of the skills for a successful transition to adulthood. ~ Deanne

More Information
Product Format:Paperback
Length in Inches:10.875
Width in Inches:8.5
Height in Inches:1.125
Weight in Pounds:2.6313
This product doesn't have a video
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