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Insects & Bugs of North America

Grade PK-AD
5 In Stock
Our Price
$9.95 $9.95 $8.25
Rainbow Savings: $1.70

This is a nifty little field guide. The quick reference tabs take you right to where you find bugs: on flowers, on vegetation, at lights (moths), in or near water, and on ground structures. I can picture students seeking out these places just to see if the creatures in the guide are there! The pages are stiff and tear-resistant. It is easy to use and will fit in a jacket pocket or cargo shorts. ~Sara

Publisher's Description of Insects & Bugs of North America

Get the perfect guide to insects and bugs of North America! Keep this tabbed booklet close at hand at home, at the park, on your camping trip, and for any outdoors adventure. Based on noted entomologist Jaret C. Daniels' popular Backyard Bugs guide and featuring 136 of the most common and important bugs to know, the booklet is organized by where the bugs are generally found--such as at lights or on flowers--and then by type for quick and easy identification. Narrow your choices by location and appearance, and view just a few species at a time. The easy-to-use format means you'll quickly find what you need to know about ants, bees, beetles, butterflies, dragonflies, spiders, wasps, and more. Plus, the quick guide is much easier to use than laminated foldouts, and the tear-resistant pages help to make the book durable in the field.

Category Description for Adventure Quick Guides

Spending time outdoors studying nature was the highlight of our homeschool day when my children were younger. We loved to be outdoors-observing and drawing. At times though, we would see a bird that was unfamiliar. While it was helpful to have a comprehensive bird guide with us, we often found it difficult to locate and identify the bird before he flew away! These quick guides have a definite advantage

over the larger bird guides! Organized by color, each page provides a snapshot of 10 birds with a brief description of other markings. That is all. Short, sweet and helpful! Added benefit, sections offer color-coded tabs that match birds. For example in the Birds of the Southwest, flip to the blue tab and you see 2 pages identified as "Mostly Blue" birds. A sampling of images included is: Mountain Bluebird, Blue Grosbeak, Lazuli Bunting and Belted Kingfisher. Spiral bound, water-proof books, measure approximately 4 1/2x7 1/2"-perfect to tuck into your pocket or back pack. Approx. 20 pgs. ~Deanne