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Duck-a-Roo Game

Grade PK-K
In Stock. Item will be unavailable when sold out.
Our Price
$21.99 $21.99 $16.95
Rainbow Savings: $5.04

Before I get started with the description, can I just say that the whole game is adorable? Look at the box, the mama duck, and the ducklings – they are so cute! Duck-a-Roo is a fun 2-4 player game that is perfect for young players. This game includes one 4 ½” mama duck, three 2 ¾” ducklings, 20 duck pond tokens, and an instruction booklet. To play, put the ducks in a line with the mama duck in the front, and then take turns flipping over one of the face-down pond duck tokens. If the duck on the token matches the color of the duck in the back of the line, call “Duck-a-roo!,” and take the token. Continue to flip tokens until you find one that does not match – but remember the color of the duck for later! The winner is the one with the most tokens.

Publisher's Description of Duck-a-Roo Game
Everything is ducky when Mama Duck has her ducklings in a row. But when players ?ip over a lily pad that matches the last duckling in line, they call out “Duck-a-roo!” and swim it to the front. The game ends when Mama swims back to the front after the last match, and players count up their lily pads to see who wins. The 4 plastic ducks double as toys (and they float in the tub!)