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Everything You Need to Ace World History In One Big Fat Notebook 2nd ed.
Recently updated, Everything You Need to Know about World History covers prehistory, first civilizations, Middle Ages, Renaissance and Reformation, Age of Exploration, Revolution and Enlightenment, Era of Imperalism, world conflicts, 9/11 and the War in the Middle East, 2016 and 2020 US elections, and climate change. Along with the expanded historical content, the publisher notes the use of more accurate and inclusive recounting of historical events. Secular publisher.
From the brains behind Brain Quest comes the 2nd edition of the revolutionary World history study guide. Updated to include recent history and revised to reflect a more complete, balanced recounting of historical events.
Big Fat Notebooks offer the support of a knowledgeable teacher in the form of an approachable peer—the notes of the smartest kid in class. Everything You Need to Ace World Historyin One Big Fat Notebook is the same indispensable resource so many students depend on, updated with new and improved content exploring ancient civilizations, indigenous cultures, social movements, war, colonialism, imperialism, and more! The revised edition provides a thoughtful, nuanced recounting of global historical events that de-centers Western, Indo-European perspectives.
The Big Fat Notebooks meet Common Core State Standards, Next Generation Science Standards, and state history standards, and are vetted by National and State Teacher of the Year Award–winning teachers. They make learning fun, and are the perfect next step for every kid who grew up on Brain Quest.
Subtitled Notes borrowed from the Smartest Kid in Class (Double-checked by an Award-Winning Teacher), that statement conveys the mood of this series. My kids devoured Brain Quest Products. "Did you know…? I bet you can't guess…" echoed around the house. Now Brain Quest has applied the same contagious, streamlined and memorable approach to key subjects for middle schoolers. Written as though it's a notebook borrowed from the smartest kid in class, kids are encouraged to read it and complete brief end-of-chapter review, making this notebook their own. Vocabulary words, definitions and key terms are highlighted. You'll find diagrams, timelines, mnemonic devices and even doodles. While books vary in chapter total, topic and length, all cover the main points of middle school subjects, are over 500 pages and include a Check Your Knowledge section at each chapter's end. Perfect for review, "between-the-grades" activities, to supplement unit studies or as fun reinforcement. Reproducible for classroom use only. 6x8", reinforced sc. ~ Ruth
Product Format: | Paperback |
Grades: | 6-8 |
Brand: | Workman Publishing Company |
ISBN: | 9781523515950 |
Length in Inches: | 8.375 |
Width in Inches: | 6.25 |
Height in Inches: | 1.25 |
Weight in Pounds: | 1.65 |
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