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All About Spelling Level 6 Student Material Packet

Grade 6-8
High Teacher Involvement
Other Materials Required
2 Questions, 9 Answersor
Our Price

Level 6 Materials Packet includes sound cards, key cards, word cards, spelling strategies chart, homophones list, syllable division rules chart, I-Before-E book, three letter tiles, tricky words list, word banks, progress chart, stickers, certificate of achievement.

Publisher's Description of All About Spelling Level 6 Student Material Packet

Each packet includes:

  • Three sets of flashcards that help your student learn and review phonograms, words, and spelling rules. Flashcards are printed on sturdy cardstock, ready to be separated on the micro-perforations.
    • Sound Cards for learning to write the phonograms
    • Key Cards for learning the spelling rules
    • Word Cards for mastering the spelling words
  • An I-Before-E Book that enables the student to easily recognize, categorize, and internalize when to use ie and ei.
  • A Syllable Division Rules Chart that helps your student recognize, internalize, and apply the rules for dividing words.
  • Word Banks that reinforce certain spelling concepts and improve your student's visual memory of words with a particular sound.
  • Additional materials such as the Spelling Strategies Chart, Homophones List, three advanced phonogram tiles, and the Tricky Words List.
  • Progress chart to keep track of completed lessons.
  • Happy Words Stickers to mark the progress chart.
  • Completion certificate to celebrate your student's success.
Category Description for All About Spelling Level 6

Levels 6 consists of a Materials Set, which includes a Teacher Manual and Student Packet. The scripted Teacher Manuals are open-and-go and include teaching tips and recommended activities for each step. Student Packets contain flashcards, stickers, and a few other resources needed for the program. To get started with the program, you need to purchase the Letter Tiles Kit and Review Box.

What’s covered in this level: Teaches how to tell when to use different endings, such as -ible/-able, -cle/-cal, -il/-el/-al/-le, exceptions to the “I before E” rule. Lessons include review, new teaching, and reinforcement.