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Downright Dencey

Grade 7-AD
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$16.95 $16.95 $12.50
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Enjoy historical fiction? Learn about early 19th century New England Quaker life in this 1928 Newberry Award winner! Set in Nantucket after the War of 1812, the historically accurate setting and characters adds depth, drawing you across time and space---into the story. Teens (and adults!) will love it, and the reminder that the power of love can overcome the greatest of obstacles is truly uplifting. 268 pgs, pb. ~Nancie

Publisher's Description of Downright Dencey
This treasure of a novel is set on the island of Nantucket just before the War of 1812. Much more than a tale of whaling ships and gentle Quaker eccentricities, it is a tale of friendship, the kind most truly espoused by these “plain” folk, with all the struggle and complexity one should expect. Dionis (Dencey) Coffyn is a mystery to her mother Lydia, whose stern exterior hides a heart that breaks every time her husband Captain Tom goes to sea. Within a context of outward simplicity of living and inward intricacy of relationship, Dencey matures from the little girl who, in unquakerly violence of temper, throws a rock that wounds the town outcast. She becomes a young woman ready to bear her part in life with grace and courage. A probing portrayal of the power of love to overcome social barriers and religious strictures.