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Darkest Night Brightest Day

Grade PK-AD
In Stock
Our Price
$21.00 $21.00 $15.95
Rainbow Savings: $5.05

What a neat concept! This book design shows how the gospel (literally!) turned the world upside down! From dark to light, read how Christ’s death, burial, and resurrection led to new life for all who believe! Start reading daily on Palm Sunday with the Darkest Night so that you’ll be ready to flip it and start the Brightest Day on Resurrection Sunday! Brimming with beautiful illustrations and great theology. ~Nancie

Publisher's Description of Darkest Night Brightest Day

tart a new Easter season tradition with your family by reading this beautifully illustrated "upside down" book that includes fourteen Bible stories for Passion and Easter weeks. Begin on Palm Sunday with the first side, Darkest Night, which has seven stories that recount the events of Passion week, ending with Christ's crucifixion and burial. Flip the book over on Easter morning and continue by reading Brightest Day, featuring seven more stories that progress from Christ's resurrection to his ascension and Pentecost.

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