Learning Language Arts Through Literature Gold - World Literature

Grade 9-12
Charlotte Mason
Low Teacher Involvement
Other Materials Required
Teaching Method
Teacher-centered curriculum commonly used in classrooms that may include a text, teacher manual, tests, etc.
Charlotte Mason
A methodology based on the work of a 19th century educator who maintained that children learn best from literature (Living Books), not textbooks.
A methodology based on the Latin Trivium (three stages of learning), including the grammar stage (memorization and facts), logic stage (critical thinking), and rhetoric stage (developing/defending ideas).
Unit Study
A thematic or topical approach centered around one topic that integrates multiple subject areas.
Montessori (Discovery)
A methodology based on the work of a 20th century educator that emphasizes student and sensory-driven discovery learning and real-life applications.
Other methodologies
Religious Content
Contains content contrary to common Christian beliefs (i.e. evolution).
Avoids religious or theoretical topics or presents multiple viewpoints without preference.
Faith-based or including instructional religious content.
Learning Modality
Learns through listening, talking out loud or reading out loud.
Learns through seeing, prefers written instructions and visual materials.
Kinesthetic/Tactile (Hands-On)
Learns through moving, doing and touching.
Curriculum that employ a variety of activities/components.
Curriculum progresses through well-defined learning objectives. Emphasizes mastery before moving to the next topic.
Topics and concepts are repeated from level to level, adding more depth at each pass and connecting with review.
Focus is on the “why,” often with a unifying concept as well as specific skills; coverage may be broader.
Teacher Involvement
Low Teacher Involvement
Student-led materials; parent acts as a facilitator.
Medium Teacher Involvement
A mix of teacher-led time and independent student work.
High Teacher Involvement
Teacher-led lessons; may utilize discussions, hands-on activities and working together.
Additional Materials Required
No other materials needed
Everything you need is included.
Other Materials Required
There are additional required resources that are a separate purchase.
Other Materials Optional
There are additional resources mentioned or recommended but are not absolutely necessary.
Designed to be written in; not reusable.
Not designed to be written in; reusable.
Our Price
$27.00 $27.00 $21.80
Rainbow Savings: $5.20

What’s cheaper than a plane ticket around the world? A literature course with authors from around the world of course! This course has a lot to cover, but I think you will appreciate the selections. There are 5 distinct units. Early Literature includes myths and folktales. Epic Poetry is full of adventure. Medieval-Renaissance includes Shakespeare and Chaucer. Enlightenment-Romanticism gets rather dark. Short Story parts 1 & 2 include a variety of well-known tales. And 20th Century includes 2 novel studies.

In addition to the readings in the Course Book, you will need 5 books, including a special anthology from LLATL. These novels and anthologies can be purchased a la carte, in our Book Package (LLTLGA) for the course, or in our Complete Set (LLCPGA).

Cultures represented include Chinese, Indian, Roman, Native American, German, Greek, Kenyan, Ugandan, Japanese, English, cultures from the Bible, French, and many more.  ~Sara

Publisher's Description of Learning Language Arts Through Literature Gold - World Literature

The 3rd Edition Learning Language Arts Through Literature - The Gold Book - World Literature offers instructions and directions for student and teacher. Now the answers are in the Teacher Section along with novel summaries, answers, and more helps making this edition easier than ever to use!

The Gold Book - World Literature and its companion, A World Literature Anthology, are complete curricula for high school world literature language arts. Carefully selected poems, short stories, novels, and other writings from long ago and far away are included to represent as many different cultures as possible. Using A World Literature Anthology published by Common Sense Press, students will read several works in their entirety as well as excerpts from many others. A necessary component to The Gold Book - World Literature, A World Literature Anthology is also a valuable tool for any world history course.

The Gold Book series is designed to encourage the high school student's ability to interpret and access literary meaning in terms of content and philosophy and clearly state a position in response.

The 3rd edition Learning Language Arts Through Literature - The Gold Book - World offers easy-to-use instructions for student and teacher. Novel summaries, answers, and more helps are in the Teacher Section in the back of the book.

In The Gold Book - World Literature you will find:

Unit 1 - Early Literature

Unit 2 - Epic Poetry

Unit 3 - Medieval-Renaissance

Unit 4 - Enlightenment-Romanticism

Unit 5 - 20th Century

Ancient Literature Study introduces the student to world literature through the earliest recorded writings, many of which began as oral tradition. These include fables, myths, fairytales, folktales, and parables as well as poetry and sacred texts of ancient cultures.

Epic Study introduces the student to heroic stories from seven different cultures spanning hundreds of years. Students will be able to identify the elements that make up epic literature and will apply this knowledge to writing their own epic stories. Guided by thought-provoking questions, the student will compare and contrast these epics by analyzing characters and identifying qualities valued by each culture.

Novel Study takes an in-depth look at three classic works of literature from ancient times to modern. The student will learn to interpret literature and formulate an opinion of each novel. In addition to reading these full length books, students will be introduced to many books through an "over-view" of the work giving a broad foundation from which to expand their learning.

Poetry Study includes the poetry of ancient Greece and Rome, poetry from Egypt, Japan, China, the Middle East, and the European sonnet. Students will thoroughly review meter, rhyme scheme, and literary terms.

Play Study leads the student in reading two full length plays - Shakespeare's Romeo and Juliet and a comedy of manners play, "The Importance of Being Earnest."

Short Stories Study allows the student to explore plot lines, characters, settings, and themes of nine short stories from France, America, England, Russia, Canada, and New Zealand. Students will be given the opportunity to write a summary detailing what they have read.

Teacher's Guide and Answers are located in the back of the book.

Category Description for Complete Programs - Language Arts

Language arts programs listed in this section cover most areas of language arts (reading/literature, writing, grammar, spelling and handwriting) in one curriculum, although some skill areas may be covered with less intensity than a focused, stand-alone course.

"It’s just common sense!" Yes, everything about this program is common sense. Offering a literature-based language arts program for Kindergarten through High School, Learning Language Arts through Literature lays a foundation with phonics and reading skills, and then builds on them with spelling, vocabulary and grammar, composition skills, and literary studies and analysis. Handwriting is also taught at the elementary levels, while Higher Order Thinking skills are woven throughout. The books are designated by colors but correlate with skills taught at specific grade levels. Since some parents are unsure of where to begin their child in the series, we have placement tests for each Learning Language Arts through Literature level available. A biblical and Christian worldview is evident in all courses. Each Course provides one year of language arts and requires a Student Workbook, Teacher Guide, and either the phonics readers and student packet in the Blue and Red Levels, or the Student Workbook, Teacher Guide, and required chapter books for Yellow-Gold levels.

These courses include all the user-friendly features of the lower grade series, yet they are written as college prep courses integrating literature studies with composition while incorporating vocabulary and grammar review. Course books, which include novel summaries, are written to both teacher and student with teacher helps and answers located in the back. The 36 weekly lessons are arranged in units - four or five per course.

  • The courses may be used in any order at any high school level, except for one. The American Literature course contains units on short story, novels, essay (expository, descriptive, & narrative), and poetry. The British Literature course features units on novel, poetry, essay (including a poetry interpretation essay), and book review. World Literature has units on literary periods: Early Literature, Epic Poetry, Medieval-Renaissance, and Enlightenment-Romanticism. Literary Criticism is serious college-prep study and only recommended for grades 11-12.
  • While perhaps more fun in a group or even with a parent/teacher, these can be self-study for a student who is a strong reader and writer. Literary terms are heavily emphasized, which are then applied to the reading sample. Without discussion, this course could move very quickly. You may choose to remove the answers in this scenario. It does not assign a lot of essay writing, more paragraph-length responses.
  • Notes, Tests, Answers is an optional supplement that provides just a bit more background literature support, such as author bios, as well as tests with answers. Designed to be used as study and review for the tests.
  • E-book versions of the Course Books and Notes, Tests and Answers Books include all content from the hardcopy products as pdf files for download. Upon purchase, you will be sent an email with access information and will then have 14 days to download the material. Once downloaded, they never expire from the customer's computer and can be read and printed from any device.
  • We offer convenient Book Packages with just the outside literature needed or a Complete Set with the Course Guide, Notes & Tests, and the required Literature.

Category Description for Llatl Gold Program - World Literature

World Literature explores literary periods through history, including early literature, epic poetry, Medieval-Renaissance, Enlightenment-Romanticism and the 20th century. The focus of the course is on literature and literary analysis but it also includes argument and persuasion writing, creative writing, and response to literature writing. There is an Anthology for this course that includes full-length works and excerpts. Four other full-length works are also studied.

You can purchase the four novels (The Odyssey; Romeo and Juliet (No Fear Shakespeare); The Little Prince; and Cry, the Beloved Country) and the LLATL World Literature Anthology as part of a complete set with the Course Book and Course Notes/Tests, buy them separately, or source them from a local library.

If you would like to add more assessments to help with grading the course, the Course Notes, Tests and Answers book provides more background literature support as well as tests with answers.

More Information
Product Format:Paperback
Brand:Common Sense Press
Length in Inches:11
Width in Inches:8.5
Height in Inches:0.75
Weight in Pounds:1.95
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