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Math Mammoth Foundational Word Problems

Grade 3-7
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Our Price
$13.45 $13.45 $11.50
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A workbook that offers focused practice on word problems. It seems that students have a love/hate relationship with this concept in math. This workbook will help students learn to solve word problems with different methods:

  • Identify what math operation is needed and how to find those clue words.
  • Write a “numeric sentence” to indicate how to operate the problem.
  • Draw the math problem out.

You could use this book as a supplement, remedial help, and as a refresher during off seasons of learning. The answer key to each problem is provided in the back of the workbook. 69 pgs, pb.

Publisher's Description of Math Mammoth Foundational Word Problems

Math Mammoth Foundational Word Problems is a workbook intended for students in 3rd grade and above that need more practice with word problems. I especially aim to help students in 4th-7th grades who have trouble with word problems and who need to “go back to the beginning”, so to speak, to learn to solve them.

The problems are generally based on a knowledge of third grade math, such as regrouping in addition and subtraction, the multiplication tables, concept of division, and calculating change. The problems do not require long multiplication, long division, or calculations with fractions or decimals (with the exception of money amounts).

The book also includes word problems with fractions, with large numbers, with money, geometry word problems, and challenges in the form of puzzle corners.

Category Description for Math Mammoth Grade 3 (Color version)
What’s covered in this level: 
  • Multiplication and division (whole numbers) includes understanding the relationship between multiplication and division. 
  • Fractions, beginning with unit fractions, along with visual fraction models, and on a number line. 
  • Area and perimeter and relating area to multiplication and to addition. 
  • Fluency in addition and subtraction within 1,000, both mentally and in columns (with regrouping). 
  • Additional topics studied include time, money, measurements, bar graphs and pictographs.
Each grade level requires two Student Worktexts-one per semester-which includes the instruction and math problems in one, and the Answer Key containing answers to the Worktexts and Tests. The Test/Cumulative Review Book is recommended. Grade Level Packages consist of four components: Student Worktexts A & B, the Tests/Cumulative Reviews Book, and the Answer Key.