Comprehensive, teacher-student interactive study of the Old and New Testament, the Bible Study Guide for All Ages meets the needs of families or classrooms using a wide variety of teaching methods: drills, interactive lessons, map/timeline work and more. Rather than taking a strictly chronological or topical approach, this program takes a historical perspective and connects the Old Testament and New Testament into one big picture of God's story. The program is non-denominational and can be used with the Bible version of your choice.
Beginning with an outline of Biblical history, the first thirty lessons examine the lives of Joseph, Daniel, and Jesus. For this reason, it is recommended the units be completed in order. Once children gain an overview of the main idea of the Bible-story, the gaps are filled-in with more depth and understanding. The optional, but highly recommended Timeline helps children fully grasp the chronology of the Bible.
Flexible for your learning needs, the program offers two pathways. Purchase the Unit Teacher Guide (104 lessons) without Student Pages for a discussion-based study. While this may take more teacher prep, all you need is the Unit Guide and a Bible. The Guide contains everything you need for teaching: program philosophy and instructions, lessons, game suggestions, reproducible student resources and more. The second path is divided into 4 different levels: Beginners for 3 years to Kindergarten; Primary for grades 1-2, Intermediate for grades 3-4, and Advanced for grades 5-6. Teens and adults should use the all-in-one Unit Teacher Guide to guide them through the Bible text, review and memory work, application, and the timeline/map work.
Both pathways follow the same plan of study, however, are not exactly aligned. Because of this, you will need to decide to use either the Unit Teacher Guide or the leveled programs with Student Pages and Teacher Key/Guide.
Families choosing to use the leveled programs (Beginner, Primary, Intermediate or Advanced), will need the Student pages. The Teacher Key is optional, but helpful in the Beginner, Intermediate and Advanced levels, as the student pages guide you through the daily lesson. If you use the optional Wall Maps and Time Line, the Teacher Key is necessary, as it includes instructions for use. For the Primary level, the Student Pages and Teacher Guide are required, as it is designed to bridge the gap between readers and non-readers. Following this pathway, you will not need the all-in-one Unit Teacher Guide. Lessons 1-104 have been updated this year and feature new covers and a slightly smaller size. Content is the same, but the editions have a different organization.
All student materials have black and white, cartoon illustrations throughout the lessons. Textual information increases from level to level, yet the Advanced level still retains plenty of the black and white illustrations. While the program is designed to use with the Bible version of your choice, the Student Pages use the vocabulary of the New International Version, though other versions can be used with minimal difficulty. Student pages for the Beginner level (ages 3-5), Intermediate levels (ages 6-8), and Advanced (ages 9-11) help students visualize and interact with the lessons. Each set of student pages contains 26 lessons. Beginner level activity sheets include memory work, timeline activities (which reference the Beginner Timeline), activities to become familiar with the structure of the Bible, pictorial representations of Bible stories and Bible study application. More advanced student pages include comprehension activities, more advanced memory work, map and time line work (using the Wall Maps/Timeline packet), activities for interacting with Bible stories, and Bible lesson application. Whether you chose the Unit or Level approach, there are optional, helpful teaching resources that are referenced in the teaching material.
Optional resources include: Bible Book Summary Cards, Children's A Cappella Song CD, Teacher Visuals, and the Wall-Maps & Time- Line packet (or the Beginner Timeline).