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One Blood for Kids

Grade 5-8
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$16.99 $16.99 $13.59
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Subtitled, “What the Bible Says About Race,” this book is a response to the matters of race and culture from author Ken Ham. His viewpoint: race is a man-made concept and racism is sin. This version (based on Ham’s book for adults, One Race, One Blood), takes a biblical and apologetic approach. God created one race who has fallen through sin and has been divided (starting at the Tower of Babel). But God’s plan involves saving souls from the consequences of sin.

A crucial component to many of Ken Ham’s texts, is a discussion of pre- and post-flood (all families on earth descending from the family of Noah), with a particular emphasis on the Tower of Babel. Explore the science of genetics, melanin, skin tone, and more. This text discusses cultures and describes interracial marriage as a false construct (based on the Biblical explanation that all humans belong to the same race). Skin color differences are explained by skin tone and the effect of UV factor.

This book also discusses certain consequences of sinful, inaccurate views of race such as “the curse of Ham,” certain ramifications of Darwinian theory (such as Hitler’s Aryn race), and slavery. Please note: this is a text-heavy book covering lots of important, yet complicated topics such as genetics, the Holocaust, “scientific racism,” the plan of salvation, and more. It may, therefore, be wise for parents to evaluate their specific child and family situation before purchasing. Size 8 ½”x11”. 62 pgs, hc. ~ Ruth

Publisher's Description of One Blood for Kids

Go to the heart of this cultural issue! Racism cannot be solved by laws, educational programs, or secular science. It is a sin and only God has the solution.

Discussions about "race" are too often confused with political correctness or cultural buzzwords. Yet, it is vital to have this difficult conversation with children in a way they can understand. And God has given us a simple, powerful answer in the Bible.

  • Reveals how biblical history makes clear what science is only now understanding
  • Addresses cultural differences, people groups, and the science of skin tones
  • Sweeps away the flawed evolutionary foundation of racism with God's enduring truth!

Apologetics powerhouse Ken Ham provides children important insight and a biblical foundation that combats the idea of human "races." From the Garden of Eden to our world today, there is just one race the human race. Once you understand that, racism loses its power!

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