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Omnibus I Student Text w/ Teacher CD-ROM (4th Ed.)

Grade 7
High Teacher Involvement
Other Materials Required
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Each Omnibus is divided into two semesters with primary (traditional Great Books) and secondary (other) book selections for each. These selections and the course built around them are rigorous; very rigorous. Some parents might be concerned about portions of the content. The editors are clear about several things. First, they assume that evil is to be conquered rather than evaded. Secondly, they assume that godly oversight and protection will accompany the student through this coursework. Thirdly, they see the Christian home as a boot camp where students are taught to handle their weapons - under godly, patient supervision. Lastly, since the Bible includes the same topics as these books there is no subject that this curriculum will raise in the minds of junior or senior high students that would not also be raised as he reads the Bible.

The number of weeks in a study varies with the selection. Discussion is a major part of every book study. Some days the discussion is general with an eye on comprehension but more often the focus is textual, cultural, and biblical analysis. There are daily reading assignments and almost daily writing assignments plus a large selection of optional activities. The really comforting thought is that the Teacher CD contains complete and thorough answers and talking points for every discussion or question raised.

The Teacher CD-ROM includes the entire text on PDF files with answers and talking points inserted into the discussion session notes. Additionally, lesson plans, teaching tips, and midterm and semester exams with answers are included. It also includes a grading calculator - an Excel file where you insert a student's grades.

Publisher's Description of Omnibus I Student Text w/ Teacher CD-ROM (4th Ed.)

In Latin, Omnibus means "all encompassing."

The Omnibus Curriculum from Veritas Press is designed to help enlighten, train, and develop young minds through the study of everything important, long-lasting, and true: the ideas, arguments and expression of the Western Canon as expressed in the Great Books.

Omnibus I: Biblical and Classical Conversations is the first in a series of six books that repeat a three year cycle of Ancient, Medieval, and Modern history; the first three are at the logic stage, and the latter three at the Rhetoric stage. Omnibus I is recommended for 7th grade, but parents may wish to preview the material to see whether their student is at a rigorous enough reading and maturity level for the materials covered. The first three books in the series may be used in any order for children at that level.

Each volume features lists of both Primary and Secondary books. They function as two separate, but intertwined courses. Students can do one or the other or both (recommended). Primary books are the traditional Great Books, while the Secondary books provide balance in the areas of Theology, History and Literature, such as The Chronicles of Narnia and The Holiness of God. Primary Books to read include: Genesis, Exodus, the Epic of Gilgamesh, The Odyssey, Oresteia, Plutarch's Lives, the Last Days of Socrates, The Early History of Rome, the Aeneid, Julius Caesar, and more. Secondary Books include: The Chronicles of Narnia, Isaiah, Galatians, The Eagle of the Ninth, The Screwtape Letters, The Holiness of God, and additional books of the Bible.

Each chapter covers a Great Book, examining the author, context, significance, main characters, summary and setting, worldview, and providing an in-depth essay analyzing and teaching the important points of the work. Chapters conclude with five sessions for the Primary books course or three for Secondary that provide questions to consider, optional activities, reading assignments, cultural analysis, biblical analysis, application, summa questions, recitation comprehension questions, lateral thinking, review questions, and evaluation questions.

The included Teacher's Guide CD-ROM duplicates the student text and inserts answers to all questions, provides grading tools, and more.

Covering literature, history, and theology from a Reformed perspective, editors Douglas Wilson and G. Tyler Fischer weave their understanding of God's providence and sovereignty throughout history. Evaluating worldview, and having a Christo-centric understanding of the world is central to what the editors and publisher set out as the goal for this program.

Classical artwork is included throughout, some of which includes both male and female nudity.

First Semester Primary Books: Genesis, Exodus, Epic of Gilgamesh, Code of Hammurabi, 1 & 2 Samuel, 1 & 2 Kings, Odyssey, Histories, Oresteia, Plutarch's Lives.

First Semester Secondary Books: Chosen by God, Till We Have Faces, The Magician's Nephew, The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe, The Horse & His Boy, Prince Caspian, The Voyage of the Dawn Treader, Isaiah, Jeremiah, Minor Prophets.

Second Semester Primary Books: Theban Trilogy, The Last Days of Socrates, The Early History of Rome, Luke & Acts, Aeneid, The Twelve Caesars, Julius Caesar, Revelation.

Second Semester Secondary Books: The Silver Chair, The Last Battle, The Best Things in Life, The Unaborted Socrates, Galatians, Romans, James, The Eagle of the Ninth, The Screwtape Letters, The Holiness of God.

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