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Latina Christiana: Games & Puzzles Student Answer Key, Fourth Edition

Grade 3-12
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1 Question, 1 Answeror
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$6.20 $6.20 $5.35
Rainbow Savings: $0.85
(Publishers Description)

Even though we feel that it is impossible to find anything more fun than reciting declensions, we responded to the demands for Latin games with two Latina Christiana word games courses. In these activities books, we've stuffed enrichment activities of every kind to help your students learn the vocabulary, grammar, and derivatives presented in the Latina Christiana I and II courses. Students will find hours of enjoyment playing Latin Hangman, solving Latin Crossword puzzles, and competing against each other in Latin Pictionary! And teachers will be thrilled, knowing that such "fun work is actually worthwhile.

The supplemental book provides activity worksheets for each Latina Christiana lesson, plus Ludere Latine I includes instructions on how to play Latin versions of six popular children's games.Ludere Latine I: 159 pages corresponding to Latina Christiana I with crossword, wordsearch, and hangman games. Ludere Latine II: 208 pages corresponding to Latina Christiana II with crossword, wordsearch, hangman, lacunae, and transformer games.

Publisher's Description of Latina Christiana: Games & Puzzles Student Answer Key, Fourth Edition

The Answer Key has inset pages with answers from Latina Christiana: Games & Puzzles, a supplemental book that provides activity worksheets for each Latina Christiana lesson, plus instructions on how to play Latin versions of six popular children's games.

Category Description for Latina Christiana Games & Puzzles

What's the seven letter ablative form of the Latin word meaning aid? Auxilio, of course! Just fill in the blanks for 21 across. Those of us more English-minded will recognize the root word for auxiliary - which is exactly the type of work provided in these consumable (but non-reproducible) Workbooks. Coordinated with the vocabulary and grammar in Latina Christiana, these would also make an excellent supplement for any beginning Latin student. The Grammatical Forms Crossword described above is one of the four types of fun and instructive word games included. What are the other three games, you ask? Word Searches, Derivatives Crossword (supply the English derivative from the Latin clue) and two-player Hangman are included and will engage your learner. If you're in a co-op or classroom setting (or perhaps your homeschool just has multiple students), rules for five group games are also included. Student Workbook is not reproducible. The Answer Key has reduced size student pages with answers, plus instructions on how to play Latin versions of six popular children's games (like Pictionary). (previously published as Ludere Latine: Puzzles & Games.)