George Washington Carver (Sowers)

Grade 3-8
Teaching Method
Teacher-centered curriculum commonly used in classrooms that may include a text, teacher manual, tests, etc.
Charlotte Mason
A methodology based on the work of a 19th century educator who maintained that children learn best from literature (Living Books), not textbooks.
A methodology based on the Latin Trivium (three stages of learning), including the grammar stage (memorization and facts), logic stage (critical thinking), and rhetoric stage (developing/defending ideas).
Unit Study
A thematic or topical approach centered around one topic that integrates multiple subject areas.
Montessori (Discovery)
A methodology based on the work of a 20th century educator that emphasizes student and sensory-driven discovery learning and real-life applications.
Other methodologies
Religious Content
Contains content contrary to common Christian beliefs (i.e. evolution).
Avoids religious or theoretical topics or presents multiple viewpoints without preference.
Faith-based or including instructional religious content.
Learning Modality
Learns through listening, talking out loud or reading out loud.
Learns through seeing, prefers written instructions and visual materials.
Kinesthetic/Tactile (Hands-On)
Learns through moving, doing and touching.
Curriculum that employ a variety of activities/components.
Curriculum progresses through well-defined learning objectives. Emphasizes mastery before moving to the next topic.
Topics and concepts are repeated from level to level, adding more depth at each pass and connecting with review.
Focus is on the “why,” often with a unifying concept as well as specific skills; coverage may be broader.
Teacher Involvement
Low Teacher Involvement
Student-led materials; parent acts as a facilitator.
Medium Teacher Involvement
A mix of teacher-led time and independent student work.
High Teacher Involvement
Teacher-led lessons; may utilize discussions, hands-on activities and working together.
Additional Materials Required
No other materials needed
Everything you need is included.
Other Materials Required
There are additional required resources that are a separate purchase.
Other Materials Optional
There are additional resources mentioned or recommended but are not absolutely necessary.
Designed to be written in; not reusable.
Not designed to be written in; reusable.
Our Price
$10.99 $10.99 $9.50
Rainbow Savings: $1.49
Publisher's Description of George Washington Carver (Sowers)

Overcoming prejudice, he became an outstanding scientist for God and country, spending time each day with His Creator who unfolded the mysteries of agriculture for the benefit of mankind.


George Washington Carver had a special prayer which he repeated for all the people he knew as well as for the many strangers the Lord would bring into his life:    May God ever bless, keep, guide and continue to prosper you in your uplifting work for humanity, be it great or small, is my prayer. And may those whom He has redeemed learn to walk and talk with Him, not only daily and hourly, but momently, through the things that He has created.    Born to slave parents, young George was orphaned before he could walk. In his youth he fought poverty and throughout his life he battled prejudice. Yet George Washington Carver merges as one of history's most remarkable men!     How? "The Lord has guided me," Carver was heard to often say. "He has shown me the way, just as He will show everyone who turns to Him."      This book is written as George Washington Carver might have told the story of his life. Hopefully you will experience his joys, sorrows, anxieties, and zeal for learning of God's creation with him. "Without my Savior, I am nothing," declared Carver. With his Savior, the Lord Jesus Christ, George Washington Carver was greatly used by God to discover countless numbers of scientific wonders and to lead a life which has inspired millions of Christians everywhere!     


The Sowers Series Biographies offer children a chance to experience the Christ-inspired pathways followed by some heroic men and women. Their impact on our lives as well as a great deal of factual information is skillfully presented to the child within the framework of an interest-holding story. Over the years, the Sowers Series books have established their appeal with a wide range of readers. Parents write in to say how much they enjoyed the books while reading them to their children. Children seek out additional titles in this series once they have read their first “Sowers” book.

Category Description for Sowers Series Biographies

We often hear the opinion expressed that Christians should not bring their personal faith into their public lives. Fortunately for the world, the men and women portrayed in the Sower Series Biographies did not believe this. For instance, on the day after he took command of the Continental Army, George Washington issued an order forbidding profanity and requiring attendance at divine services. Isaac Newton, Robert Boyle, and Louis Pasteur, some of the foremost scientists of their day, used their work to glorify God. At a time when our young people need heroes, these books present faithful Christians who made an impact on their world.

More Information
Product Format:Softcover Book
Brand:Mott Media
Author:David Collins
Length in Inches:8.25
Width in Inches:5.5
Height in Inches:0.25
Weight in Pounds:0.4
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