Language Arts K Workbook One

Grade K
Teaching Method
Teacher-centered curriculum commonly used in classrooms that may include a text, teacher manual, tests, etc.
Charlotte Mason
A methodology based on the work of a 19th century educator who maintained that children learn best from literature (Living Books), not textbooks.
A methodology based on the Latin Trivium (three stages of learning), including the grammar stage (memorization and facts), logic stage (critical thinking), and rhetoric stage (developing/defending ideas).
Unit Study
A thematic or topical approach centered around one topic that integrates multiple subject areas.
Montessori (Discovery)
A methodology based on the work of a 20th century educator that emphasizes student and sensory-driven discovery learning and real-life applications.
Other methodologies
Religious Content
Contains content contrary to common Christian beliefs (i.e. evolution).
Avoids religious or theoretical topics or presents multiple viewpoints without preference.
Faith-based or including instructional religious content.
Learning Modality
Learns through listening, talking out loud or reading out loud.
Learns through seeing, prefers written instructions and visual materials.
Kinesthetic/Tactile (Hands-On)
Learns through moving, doing and touching.
Curriculum that employ a variety of activities/components.
Curriculum progresses through well-defined learning objectives. Emphasizes mastery before moving to the next topic.
Topics and concepts are repeated from level to level, adding more depth at each pass and connecting with review.
Focus is on the “why,” often with a unifying concept as well as specific skills; coverage may be broader.
Teacher Involvement
Low Teacher Involvement
Student-led materials; parent acts as a facilitator.
Medium Teacher Involvement
A mix of teacher-led time and independent student work.
High Teacher Involvement
Teacher-led lessons; may utilize discussions, hands-on activities and working together.
Additional Materials Required
No other materials needed
Everything you need is included.
Other Materials Required
There are additional required resources that are a separate purchase.
Other Materials Optional
There are additional resources mentioned or recommended but are not absolutely necessary.
Designed to be written in; not reusable.
Not designed to be written in; reusable.
Our Price
Student Book One only - No Teacher's Guide. Entire course covers the alphabet, numbers, shapes, colors, sounds, capital and lowercase letters, vowels, consonants, and phonics.
Category Description for Alpha Omega (Aop) Curriculum

Alpha Omega Publications offers several lines of Bible-based curriculum in all major subject areas. Each one fits different family needs.

LIFEPACs are sets of worktexts and teacher materials. Available for grades K through 12 in all major subject areas and some electives. All instruction and practice is provided in the consumable worktexts. LIFEPAC are a mastery-based curriculum, and is student-paced.

Another option from AOP is Horizons. Horizons is available for grades PK through 12, depending on the subject matter. Horizons curriculum is only available for early learning, math, phonics/reading, spelling/vocabulary, penmanship, health, and physical education. Horizons is more of a teacher-led option.

Monarch is AOP's online curriculum option. 50 courses are offered in the areas of Bible, math, history, science, and language arts and are completely online for those who want the convenience of online lessons. Individual and multi-student plans are available for grades 3-12. Monarch is compatible with Mac and PC. While we do not offer it directly, you may want to check it out on the AOP Homeschool site!

Switched-On Schoolhouse (SOS) was offered previously, but has been discontinued. The USB Flash drives previously sold are compatible with Windows 10 but AOP no longer offers technical support for Switched-On Schoolhouse. 

Category Description for Lifepac Curriculum

Alpha Omega LIFEPAC sets consist of worktexts and teacher materials; they are available for grades K-12 in all subject areas. Lifepac Boxed Sets include all the student Lifepacs and the teaching materials for each subject. We also sell the sets of Lifepacs (student worktexts only), in case you already have the teaching materials for a subject and just need the consumable worktexts. Lifepacs are a mastery-based curriculum, and all instruction is offered in the consumable worktexts along with the workbook pages. There are 10 worktexts for one year courses (5 worktexts for one semester courses and Lifepac Selects) in grades 1 through 12 and two workbooks for each subject at the kindergarten level. Math and Language Arts are the only two subjects available for kindergarten. Answers are found in the Teacher edition for each subject. This is a student-paced curriculum. We will now be offering complete LIFEPAC Sets for grades K through 12. These sets include complete Lifepac sets, both student and teacher, for each subject. The kindergarten level includes language arts and math only. Grades 1 through 12 sets include five subjects Bible, Math, Language Arts, Science, History/Geography. Math progression for grades 9 through 12 is algebra 1, geometry, algebra 2, and pre-calculus. Science for grades 9-12 is general science, biology, chemistry, and physics. Grades 9-12 history/geography is civics & world history, world history, American history, and government & economics. English I through English IV are grades 9 through 12 and includes, writing, literature, grammar, and more.

Category Description for Lifepac Language Arts

LIFEPACs have long been a mainstay for Christian homeschoolers, providing easy to implement, largely self-instructional materials. The Language Arts program is particularly good, providing excellent instruction and practice at all levels, but highly recommended at the high school level.  Lower levels teach and reinforce phonics and reading skills and introduce writing skills.  These levels should be supplemented by appropriate grade-level reading materials or with grade-level study guides and books.  Upper levels focus more on grammar, spelling, composition, and comprehension.  Beginning in grade 7, required literature selections complement the LIFEPAC instruction (see below) at most levels.  Novels that are studied are included in the Complete Boxed Sets, so you don't need to purchase them separately.  Even so, you will probably want to provide an additional literature component (see our extensive offerings of study guides and literature programs in the Reading section).  Boxed Sets contain LIFEPACs and teacher manuals with answer keys and any required readers.  For additional students, order the LIFEPAC only sets and additional readers.

Category Description for Lifepac Language Arts Grade K

Alphabet, numbers, shapes, colors, sounds, capital and lowercase letters, vowels, consonants, and phonics.

More Information
Product Format:Trade Paperback Book
Brand:Alpha Omega Publications
Length in Inches:11
Width in Inches:8.5
Height in Inches:0.5
Weight in Pounds:1.05
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