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Math-U-See Delta Online Instruction w/Video

Grade 4-5
In Stock
Our Price
Non-returnable. Is, or contains, a digital item.
  • Lifetime access to streaming instruction videos, an online instruction manual, skip-counting songs, virtual manipulatives, and more
  • You will also need the Delta Student Workbook and Tests, Instruction Manual, and Integer Blocks
  • Online Instruction with Video is available individually or in your choice of convenient sets with the other required components

The Math-U-See Delta Online Instruction with Video provides lifetime access to streaming Instruction Videos, an online Instruction Manual, lesson solutions, skip-counting songs, virtual manipulatives, and other online resources. Upon activation of the Online Instruction with Video, purchasers are given an option to purchase app versions of the digital manipulatives. This is a handy option for busy families but not a required purchase. Required, but not included, are the Delta Student Workbook and Tests, the Integer Block Kit, and the Math-U-See Delta Instruction Manual. You will receive an activation email in 24 to 48 hours. Sold individually or in your choice of two convenient sets: the Math-U-See Delta Set (with Integer Blocks) or the Math-U-See Delta Set (no Integer Blocks), for families who already own the Integer Block Kit. Optionally, the Math-U-See Delta DVD is available for families who prefer to use DVD instruction instead of the online instructional videos.

Publisher's Description of Math-U-See Delta Online Instruction w/Video
Includes lifetime streaming access.
Category Description for Math-U-See Delta

Mastery of single and multiple digit division. Additional topics include Roman Numerals; dividing, multiplying, adding and subtracting US currency and standard units of measure; angle measurements and geometric shapes including points, segments, rays and lines; classifying shapes; understanding and computing area and volume.

Lessons follow a similar format – watch the DVD lesson (parent then child/parent together), work through lesson examples in the instruction manual together, and complete worksheets. Lessons conclude with a test. Cumulative unit tests are scheduled regularly to assure students retain previous teaching. A final test over all concepts taught concludes the course.