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Favorite Horses Coloring Book

Grade PK-AD
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1 Question, 3 Answersor
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$3.99 $3.99 $3.50
Rainbow Savings: $0.49
Category Description for Dover Science & Nature Coloring Books

These high-quality, informative coloring books are just right for accompanying a unit study. Subjects are nicely detailed. Generally, illustrations on the inside covers depict the natural colors if you want to produce a realistic finished product. Very brief captions are nonetheless instructive. After coloring through a book, we're certain you'll be able to more easily identify specimens when you see them. Some books, like Rocks and Minerals, have several pages of worthwhile information in the front, including a discussion of different types of rocks and minerals, how to start collecting rocks, classifying rocks, and specific tests for identifying them. The My Horse coloring book has an introductory four pages on horse anatomy and features, then contains generous captions that form a mini-course in identifying, classifying, riding, and caring for horses. Our favorite medium is colored pencil. Since we offer a selection of quality colored pencils, we thought we'd lay in a generous supply of our favorite educational coloring books as well!

Boost™ editions, subtitled "seriously fun learning," are aligned to the Common Core with specific standardsnoted at the bottom of each page. A freeteacher's manual can be downloaded from theDover website.

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